Providing Excellent Appraisal Services in Georgia
Whether you need a total county revaluation, data collection through appeal support, or just help in only one area, such as schedules, appeals, or analysis, GMASS can help. Flexible billing will allow for you to afford the project that you have been needing and it will be guaranteed through your next review year. Our professional staff is highly trained and experienced with DOR, GREAB, and ESRI certifications. That means we understand and meet or exceed all applicable state, IAAO, and USPAP standards to comply with local assessment practices and state statutory requirements. Please feel free to contact us anytime at [email protected]
Parcel mapping, online mobile web maps, and more
Market Modeling
Accurate Comparable grouping to help your data mirror the local market. Isolate anomalies and visually see your data, LIVE.

Custom Maps and Layers
Advanced online mapping to display live information straight from your database.
Make a change and see it reflected on the next click. Add any custom layers to see information like sale, grade, appeals, etc.

Imagery Comparison, Sketch Overlay, & Soil Delineations
Finding new construction and missed additions using GIS is a great way to save time and money! It's also a great auditing tool to flag things that can be missed in the field. We also create updated land use (Open vs Wood) and GIS soil maps.

Valuation & Related Services
GMASS has been a leader in property valuation across the state of Georgia for the past decade. Our mission is to provide fair values in an ethical way.

Residential & Agricultural
We have a demonstrated history of success in providing reliable values and keeping your county in compliance with industry standards.

Commercial & Industrial
Our commercial team is comprised of the best in the business. We know income-producing properties can provide more headaches than usual, but our staff is experienced and equipped to help meet these challenges head-on.

Data Collection & Verification
Sometimes, you just need an extra hand in your day-to-day office duties. We offer a variety of appraisal resources to help meet your needs in any way we can.

Specialized Services
Our entire staff has experience in a Tax Assessor's office. We have the knowledge to provide guidance and staffing in any area related to assessment.
Income Reports
Our income reports provide a clean breakdown of the income and expense analysis for any income producing property.

In late 2018, GMASS and DataCloud joined forces. We have always strived to provide the best services available to our clients. DataCloud shares our vision and our values so the merger was a no-brainer. While the companies remain separate entities, DataCloud has allowed us to incorporate their program into our everyday operations. Goodbye pen and paper, say hello to tablet-based data collection.

DataCloud allows us to collect data in a safe environment and push into the working environment with the click of a button. The days of data entry are behind us. Along with a number of other beneficial features, their service allows us to stay up to date and eliminate any turnaround time caused by manual data entry. The use of their technology is a driving force that allows us to separate ourselves from the competition and embrace the age of technology with open arms. To learn more about DataCloud and Mobile Assessor, follow the link here.